Només volem ser catalans: Els vàndals de la wikipedia espanyola.

Després d’una tortuosa relació amb la censura franquista en vida, ara es la wikipedia espanyola qui torna a censurar la figura de Manuel de Pedrolo. La censura i l’escriptor segarrenc van ser – malauradament – companys de camí durant tota la seva carrera. Qui fou un dels novel·listes més important de les lletres catalanes (conreant … Read more

Manuel de Pedrolo and Catalan Culture in Ireland

It is not the first time that Manuel de Pedrolo’s works has trespassed across Catalonia’s frontiers; Martin Esslin praised his drama in his influential The Theatre of the Absurd (1961), Wesley Barnes included him in his study of The Philosophy and Literature of Existentialism (1968), and George E. Wellwarth mentioned his plays in his article … Read more

The Round-robin Approach

One of the usual tasks of traditional researchers involves the creation of labels that situate their work within the otherwise infinite pool of knowledge constructed by mankind. Their tendency has often been to dissect this knowledge in small and carefully shaped pieces that meet the requirements of a specific field. This propensity to individualize areas … Read more